Thomas Geelen

Assistant Professor of Finance

Pennsylvania State University

I am an assistant professor of finance at the Pennsylvania State University. My research interests lie primarily in corporate finance. You can download my CV here.


Relationship Capital and Financing Decisions (PDF, SSRN)
with Erwan Morellec and Natalia Rostova
Forthcoming, Management Science, 2024

Due Diligence (PDF, SSRN)
with Brett Green and Brendan Daley
The Journal of Finance, 2024

Asset Life, Leverage, and Debt Maturity Matching (PDF, SSRN)
with Jakub Hajda, Erwan Morellec, and Adam Winegar
The Journal of Financial Economics, 2024

Can Corporate Debt Foster Innovation and Growth? (PDF, SSRN)
with Jakub Hajda and Erwan Morellec
The Review of Financial Studies, 2022

Working Papers

Information Dynamics and Debt Maturity (PDF, SSRN)
Revise and Resubmit at the Journal of Finance

Succession (PDF, SSRN)
with Jakub Hajda

Sustainable Organizations (PDF, SSRN)
with Jakub Hajda and Jan Starmans


Pennsylvania State University
Smeal College of Business
366 Business Building